XBMC and XLink Kai (Updated)
apologies for the somewhat delayed news post, by now you’ve probably already heard that we’ve added a major update to our cvs. support for the free multiplayer online gaming service xlink kai has been massively improved. amongst many new features, it has a voice chat function (using team-avalaunch’s port of speex). players can use voice chat within xbmc to communicate directly or chat in “groups” with other players on xbox’s and pcs that also support xlink kai. in addition team-xbmc has open a dedicated support forum for xlink kai in xbmc (link). if you don’t know what we’re ranting on about then head over to team-xlink’s website www.teamxlink.co.uk for more information and nice screenshots, plus for support on the actual kai engine that runs on your computer you have to of course turn to team-xlink’s own forums (link).
quote from thedaddy (team-xlink): “xbmc now supports private arenas, creating arenas, avatars, invites and lots of other kaiui features. xbmc is also your friend if you intend to use a linux-router like the wrt54g to run your kai engine – you could get a really nice setup, with xbmc and kai – so no computer would be needed”
update (14/11-2004)!: new in todays cvs are a slew of new online features for xbmc’s xlink kai support, these includes; “auto-play” from harddrive, “kai toast” notifications (last picture above), “my avatar”, network status dialogs, plus a number of bug-fixes. for more information on these news please see this topic thread (link) in the forums.
xlink-kai quick-guide for xbmc version 1.1.01 (pdf) => http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/xbmc…..01.pdf (thanks to puma81 and juice)
xlink-kai user-guide for xbmc version 1.1.01 (pdf) =>http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/xbmc…..01.pdf (thanks to puma81 and juice)